Signature Programs at CTC
Shawnee Mission Signature Programs provide high school students the opportunity to explore unique areas of study in preparation for specialized academic and future career opportunities. Students participating in Signature Programs receive targeted instruction that is both rigorous and relevant. These specialized programs reflect our district’s commitment to providing quality educational opportunities that will enable students to be successful in 21st century careers. Detailed course descriptions can be found in the SMSD High School Program of Studies. For additional details and enrollment information, please complete and submit the Interest Request Form. The Signature Program Teacher will contact you.
Both the Center for Academic Achievement and Career and Technical Campus welcome business and community contacts that will enrich our student's in experiential, real-world learning. Discover what we do. Create new and innovative opportunities for teaching and learning. Connect with faculty and staff. Engage in helping grow the future for our learners.
The Career & Technical Campus serves as an innovative, experiential learning campus for students enrolled in Signature Programs. Opening in the spring of 2019, the CTC serves as a unique campus for students in Signature Career and Technical programs.
Signature Programs housed at the Career & Technical Campus: